[Lecture Notes] CMU 15-641 Networking and the Internet

Disclaimer: 本人没选这门课,笔记是蹭课记的,不全,不建议用作参考。

Lec 1

  • Propagation Delay: how long the first bit is received

  • Transmission Delay: how long it takes to put the remaining data

  • Packet Latency = Transmission Delay + Propagation Delay

Lec 3


Solution: Random Access Protocols

  • Carrier Sense: listen before you send
  • Collision Detection: detect collisions and back off
    • Listen while you transmit.
    • If you detect another signal, stop transmitting. Ethernet has you also send a special ‘JAM’ signal to tell other listeners that the transmission has been corrupted and stopped.
    • Collision Recovery: Random Exponential Backoff
      • 随机等待一段时间,随着冲突次数增加,随机等待时间的抽样范围变长
      • first collision: choose K from {0, 1}, delay K x 512 bit transmission times (timeslot)
      • second collision: choose K from {0,1,2,3}
      • 10+ collisions: choose K from {0,1, …, 1023}
    • Ethernet Multiple Access Protocol (CSMA/CD)?? not used today
  • Collision Avoidance: request permission to send

MAC addresses (Media access control address)

  • 48-bit long. Do not have a structure (think of them as random)

Ethernet Packet

  • Preamble: e.g. always 1010101010… repeating
  • SFD: Start Frame Delimiter
  • FCS: Frame Check Sequence (to detect errors)


  • Routing, Generation 1: Broadcast
    • Everybody receives the package.
    • Learning Switch Algorithm

Lec 4

Spanning Tree Protocol

Distributed Spanning Tree Overview

  • Embed a tree that provides a single unique path to each destination.
  • Bridge with lowest ID (MAC addr) is root. 指定ID最小的人是root
  • Each bridge finds and remembers the shortest path to root. 每人记住到root的最短长度和路径
  • All nodes keep a simple data structure: (Root, Path Length, Next Hop)

Basic Algorithm (交流建立tree的方法)

  • Assume you are the root. Store (Me, 0, Me).
  • Do {
    • tell neighbors (root, pathLength, yourID)
    • listen to neighbors, keep getting updates … while …
      • if their root ID is smaller, replace root, pathLength++
      • if their root ID is same but pathLength is shorter, replace pathLength and ++
      • if neighbor A and neighbor B both tell the same root, choose the shorter pathLength

Resilience: (指系统在遇到错误和挑战时还能不能保持正常功能)

Fully distributed: does not assume previous existence of a central coordinator

Distance Vector (DV)

  • Each router maintains its shortest distance to every destination via each of its neighbors.
  • Distance can be other value, e.g. latency.

Lec 5

Link State:

  • Everyone knows who they are connected to directly
  • Everyone broadcasts a list of who they are connected to (and with link weight)
  • Everyone can figure out what the entire graph is. (根据接收到的broadcast messages能推断出来)
  • Everyone uses a shortest-path algorithm to find its shortest path to each destination (推断出entire graph之后使用算法找出最短路)
    • DIJKSTRA算法(greedy)寻找最短路
  • Everyone then builds its own forwarding table

Centralized Routing (aka Software-Defined Networking)

  • Every node knows who it is connected to (和link state一样)
  • All nodes tell a special controller node who they are connected to (而不是像link state一样broadcast to everyone)
  • Controller computes the best routes for everyone
  • Controller then tells everyone what to put in their routing tables

Fun fact: Centralized Routing is “state-of-the-art”.

Because traditional routing algorithms can’t enforce policy requirements

Lec 6.

Four Challenges 存在的问题

  • 1 Each network may have distinct ways of addressing the receiver 地址格式不同
  • 2 Each network may accept data of different max size 不同网络支持的最大数据包大小不同
  • 4 Within each network, communication may be disrupted due to unrecoverable mutation of data or missing data 可能出现丢包等
  • 5 Status information, routing, fault detection, and isolation are different (actually multiple problems)
  • 3下周再讲

The Internet Protocol (IP) Addressing

  • 对第一个问题的解决方法: Every host require an Internet Address (IP) that is distinct from its local address (e.g. MAC address). 需要一个IP地址,也就是常说的IPv4(32-bit), IPv6(128-bit)

  • 如何获得IP地址? Using a protocol called Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)

  • 如何使用IP地址?将IP地址信息也放在Ethernet header中 (放在原来payload的区域中)

  • 如何routing?

    • At the sender
      • If destination D is in local network: set IP dest to D’s IP, set Ethernet dest to D’s Ethernet addr
      • If destination D is outside: set IP dest to D’s IP, set Ethernet dest to my gateway’s Ethernet addr
    • Gateway (aka router) looks at packages it receives on its Ethernet addresses, peeks at the IP address, and use the IP addr to determine where to send the packet.
    • netmask: e.g. Gateway, netmask, means any IP address with 34.244.91.* are inside my LAN. Anything else is outside.

Packet Sizing

  • 对第二个问题的解决方法 (IPv4中): Allow routers to ‘fragment’ packets into smaller ones
    • Every link has Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU): max number of bytes of any packet
    • If packet larger than MTU, router split (sent as multiple IP packets). End-point reassemble it.
    • Adds complexity to IP header.
    • IPv6 does not use fragmentation. Instead: If packet too big, drop it and tell the sender, and then the sender knows to send smaller packets.

Status Information, Routing, Potpourri?

  • 对第五个问题的解决方法
    • 解决status information: New protocol called Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
    • 解决routing, fault detection and isolation: 由每个network独立解决


  • 对第四个问题的解决方法:Internet不保证可靠传输,instead,host自己对丢失的packet重新传输
    • IP service model: 不保证will not be lost, 不保证 will not be corrupted, 不保证 will not be duplicated

The Internet Model (architecture)


  • PHY / Physical
  • LNK / Data Link
  • NET / Network
  • Transport
  • Application

[Lecture Notes] CMU 15-641 Networking and the Internet
Bill Hu
Posted on
September 3, 2024
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