[Lecture Notes] CMU 14-740 Fundamentals of Telecommunication Networks
Lec 1. Intro
Network Protocols: Define the format (of a message), order of messages sent and received among network entities, and actions taken on message transmission or receipt.
Reliable: 发送到的和接收到的数据一致,顺序一致。要reliable就会有overhead,需要trade-off.
- circuit switching
- 每一个connection都由一个channel, connection-oriented
- 在没有connection/call/user使用的时候会导致资源浪费
- 每一个信号都有time和frequency,同一时刻有不同频率的信号频段都可以传输。如何切分?
- FDM (Frequency Division Multiplexing) 频分复用
- TDM (Time Division Multiplexing) 时分复用
- packet switching
- Connectionless, 没有channel,用多个paths
- 数据切分成小块,称为packets
- 所有用户都可以使用完整的带宽,没有FDM、TDM等,statistical sharing
- Store and forward model: 一条link上有好多个节点,节点必须接收到完整packet才会继续发送给下一个节点
- 缺点是会有congestion,数据包太多会导致竞争
Lec 2. Architecture
packet switching: 每一个packet都能占用全部的bandwidth,需要queue
如果queue满了,新的packet会被drop(aka lost, 丢包)
4 Sources of packet delay
- processing delay (nodal processing)
- Router接收到packet时需要:①检查bit errors ②决定转发给谁
- 与router的处理速度有关
- queueing delay
- router一次只能发一个packet,需要排队等待
- 与router的congestion level (拥堵情况)、buffer size都有关
- 范围可以从0到无穷(无穷代表丢包)
- Traffic intensity (=输入除以输出)
- L = Packet Length (bits/pkt)
- R = Link Speed / Data Rate (bps)
- = Average Packet Arrival Rate (pkt/s)
- transmission delay
- = = Packet Length / Link Bandwidth
- propagation delay
- 第一个bit发送需要的延迟时间。取决于光速(或物理介质速度)
- = Length of physical link / Propagation speed in physical medium
Layered Network Architecture
- 每个layer里面的protocol可以分开设计,互不干扰,简化设计、实现和测试流程
- duplication:每个layer都做了一些reliability的设计,导致重复
- 每层layer之间隐藏了信息,可能影响性能(完成某些操作可能需要底层layer的信息)
ISO OSI reference model / TCP/IP
1970s的时候不同的网络架构互不兼容,无法互相通信,所以ISO搞出了OSI来实现 interoperability
ISO: International Standard Organization
OSI: Open Systems Interconnection
然后 TCP/IP 把OSI protocol给取代了
[Lecture Notes] CMU 14-740 Fundamentals of Telecommunication Networks