[Lecture Notes] CMU 17-514 Software Construction
Lec 2. Object-Oriented Basics
- Version 1
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- Version 2
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Version 1: Shorter
Version 2: Expandable.
TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript because it allows for gradual migration from JS to TS
- Design for Change (flexibility, extensibility, modifiability)
- Design for Division of Labor
- Design for Understandability
Java Primitives: int
, long
, byte
, short
, char
, float
, double
, boolean
. 注意没有string!
JavaScript Primitives: null
, undefined
, boolean
, number
, string
, symbol
, bigint
- Primitives are immutable, and passed by value
is a non-primitive type.
Lec 3. Object-oriented Analysis
OO Analysis: understanding the problem
- domain model
- find key concepts in the problem domain
- using UML (Unified Modeling Language) class diagrams as informal notation
- glossary
- system sequence diagram: a model that shows, for one usage scenario, sequence of events that occur on the system’s boundary.
- system behavioral contracts
OO Design: Defining a solution
- object interaction diagrams
- object model
Domain Model长这样
- 空心菱形:aggregation 聚合关系,例如:
班级 ◇--- 学生
(学生可以存在于班级之外) - 实心菱形:composition 组合关系,例如:
人 ♦--- 心脏
(心脏不能离开人体独立存在) - 三角形:inheritance/generalization 继承/泛化关系,例如:
狗 ---△ 动物
UML Sequence Diagram 长这样
Behavioural Contract 长这样
完成了Domain Model, System Sequence Diagram 和 Behavioural Contract 之后,就是从Problem Space到Solution Space的转换。希望能low representational gap
Lec 4. Responsibility Assignment
Problem Space (Domain model) —> Solution Space (Object model)
Representational gap
Design Principle
Low representational gap
为什么要low representational gap? 你可以建立一个class LibrarySystem然后把所有东西放在单个巨大的class里,但是这样不好做后续修改(我们需要 design for change)
- facilitates understanding of design and implementation
- facilitates traceability from problem to solution
- facilitates evolution (design for change)
Low coupling
- Enhances understanability
- Reduce the cost of change (如果每个module最多只和另外两个module有关系,那么改变module时最多只需要修改两个module,不需要牵一发而动全身)
A related design heuristic: law of demeter: each module should have only limited knowledge about other units
is a bad practice !!! This means you are not distributing knowledge correctly !!!Prefer coupling to interfaces over coupling to implementations (interface相比implementation改变得更少)
High cohesion (or single-responsibility principle)
Coupling vs Cohesion
把所有代码写在一个class里:very low coupling, but very low cohesion.
把每个模块都分开来:very high cohesion, but very high coupling.
Find a good tradeoff!
Lec 5. Inheritance and Delegation
Java中class的继承关系,所有class都继承自 class Object
Java编译期判断which class to look in, method signature to be executed,运行时判断class的动态类型,对于动态class判断到底执行哪个method。
Inheritance vs Subtyping
class A extends B
class A implements B
,class A extends B