(macOS)VSCode运行调试C(++)的环境配置macOS 上配置VSCode的coderunner插件,及tasks和launch.json,来自动化编译、运行、调试单文件C/C++程序。 2021-10-10 Cross Platform > VSCode #C++ #macOS #VSCode
(Mac/Linux/Win) Write LaTeX with VSCode or Jetbrains IDEConfigure latex environment and using VSCode or JetBrains IDE along with plugins to write latex. 2021-09-14 Cross Platform > VSCode #VSCode #LaTeX
HomeBridge on raspberry piInstall Homebridge Method 1: Install HomeBridge ISO directly github address:https://github.com/homebridge/homebridge-raspbian-image/releases 2021-09-13 Singlechip & RaspberryPi #Linux #RaspberryPi #HomeBridge #HomeKit
Raspi configStart VNC and SSH Enter the terminal of raspi, sudo raspi-config,and start vnc and ssh with the UI interface. Alternatively, after you flashed the SD card with raspi os, create a file named ssh (no f 2021-09-12 Singlechip & RaspberryPi #Linux #RaspberryPi
Hello WorldWelcome to Hexo! This is your very first post. Check documentation for more info. If you get any problems when using Hexo, you can find the answer in troubleshooting or you can ask me on GitHub. Quic 2021-09-07
用 Arduino uno + HC-SR04 做一个超声波测距仪Arduino, LCD1602A, HC-SR04 configuration LCD1602 display 引脚 4线连线: Pin Connect to Explaination VSS ground 接地 VDD 5V power 接电源 V0 电位器输出 对比度调整端(5V对比度最弱,接地对比度最高;可通过10kΩ电位器调整对比度) RS 12口 寄存器选 2021-09-07 Singlechip & RaspberryPi #Linux #C #Arduino